Creative Oasis Group
10 creative workshops
Starting Monday 18th March 2024, 10am – 12 noon
Waitakere Arts
Corban Estate Arts Centre
The Creative Oasis Group Is designed for visual artists looking for a new direction, fresh inspiration and a forum to meet some new likeminded people. Maybe you went to art school many years ago or had a creative career at some stage. But life got in the way and you found yourself with less and less time to express your creativity and develop your authentic voice. Or maybe you’ve been developing your art practice at home but lack the confidence to ‘go public’. This group is all about giving space and time to rediscover your passion for making art in a safe, supportive environment. We’ll be running a series of 10 themed workshops lead by creative entrepreneur and visual artist, Jacqui Wilkinson. These workshops are designed to help you break out of a creative rut, explore new ways of seeing and boost your artistic self-confidence.
$250 for 10 workshops
Sign-up today through Waitakere Arts:
Or contact us if you have any questions!
We look forward to seeing you!